Create 10-20% Look-a-Like Audiences in Facebook {Step-by-Step}

You heard, right. A little known super affiliate secret is you can test Facebook Look-a-Like Audiences to up to 20%!!

Even if you are a non-developer, you can use the Facebook Graph API to create Look-a-Likes above 10%The process can be tricky, so suggest you watch the above video once completely to get the concept before you start the steps below.

Let’s get started:

Step #1

Go to

Step #2

​Create an app (follow the prompts) A couple of important notes is Facebook will ask you want your role is, and you must choose “Developer.” Create an app and get the get number.

Step #3

​Go to

Step #4

​Switch GET to POST. Paste in the text below so that it looks like this:


Step #5

​Replace YOURACCOUNTIDHERE with the account ID of the ad account you’re hosting your custom audiences in.

Step #6

​Grab the audience ID of the custom audience you’d like to use (from audiences tab)

NOTE: You can’t create a Look-a-Look From a LLA, so choose purchase, ATC, or IC, etc.

Step #7

​Click “+Parameter” below the POST request 3 times.

​Add in the following settings like shown in the video:

subtype – lookalike

origin_audience_id – audience id #

lookalike_spec – {“country”:”US”,”ratio”:”.20″} or


​Get token like shown in the video.

Step #8

​Click submit

Refresh audience screen to see your new 10-20% audiences

Happy Testing!

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